Maintenance of Operation Irene Salimi Children Hospital (ISH) Kabul
Afghanistan belongs to the poorest countries of the world. Since 1978 the country faces war. After pull-out of the USA in August 2021 the capital Kabul lost over 2 mln Inhabitants (currently approx.. 5 mln.) The whole population will be about 42 mln and 43% are under age of 15 years. The Irene Salimi Children Hospital has 50 beds and 2 Operation Theatres. As specialized Training Institute for child orthopedics and child surgery the ISH operates children from all provinces of Afghanistan.
Examination of 36.000 out-patients
Treatment of 3.600 in-patients
Performance of 3.600 surgical and orthopedic operations
The statistics will be collected on daily basis according to daily patient flow in monthly reports.
The ISH Out Patient Department is open 24 hours 7 days a week.
The ISH offers european standard and hygiene treatments to low costs for poor people, which is only possible through support from abroad. The intervention strengthen the training of new afghan specialists, the health of cured afghan children, the economy of the poor parents and their social lives in future.
The ISH has a pediatric department, a malnutrician department and as first child health institute in Afghanistan a palliative department too.
Here you can find further information.