Medical Health Caravan

The Batken and Osh regions are located in the southern part of the Fergana Valley and about 700 km (~ 12 hours drive) from the capital Bishkek. The multi-ethnic population of the region was reported as 1.9 million in January 2021. According to the 2019 regional development analysis of the World Bank, the Batken region in particular, but also large parts of the Osh region, are among the most backward regions in the country. The population has an extreme risk of poverty and is heavily dependent on money transfers. Batken's gross regional product per capita in 2019 was just 40% of the national average. Access to basic public services such as education, health, water and´sanitation, as well as to employment, credit and markets for products is limited. Moreover, there
was a meanwhile settled conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in the Batken region which led to hostilities in summer of 2022 considerably damaging the Kyrgyz infrastructure and large parts of the medical care system.
The main objective is to ensure/improve/support primary health care in the Batken and Osh regions, which are among the most backward regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as the sustainable prevention of serious diseases through targeted education/sensitization of the patients and local health authorities.
All people should have access to basic health services without getting into financial difficulties. The "Medical Health Caravan" is intended to support the desolate medical infrastructure in the sense of a structure-building transitional aid. The project includes a total of 5 trips to the regions. The mobile clinic follows a set route and stays for 2 days at each location to conduct the consultations there. Planned were approximately 21,500 patient contacts/consultations/examinations and therapies within a total period of 5 weeks.
- Equipping the Health Caravan with diagnostic equipment and an express laboratory
- Implementation of the project with a team of 18 local doctors, nurses, psychologists,
laboratory technicians and drivers - Adherence to a fixed timetable through the impassable regions
- Discussing appropriate hygiene measures with the local health authorities to prevent serious
The "Medical Health Caravan" aims to improve/support the desolate medical infrastructure in the sense of a structure-building transitional aid. Since the project is carried out by doctors from Kyrgyzstan, this is "help for self-help" without language barriers and expands understanding of the local health situation in remote regions of the country.
The Health Caravan provides basic medical care in the Batken and Osh region. Equipped with diagnostic equipment and an express laboratory, the Health Caravan is operated by a team of 18 local doctors, nurses, psychologists, laboratory technicians and drivers and, like a regular bus, follows a precise timetable through the impassable region.
Here you can find further information.