
Reconstruction of Lower Urinary Tract with vascularized "small intestinal submucosa" (BioVaSc-TERM®), Acronym: UroVasC

Institution: Fraunhofer-lnstitut für Silicatforschung ISC
Funding line:
Translational Research
Image: Preparation of the implant

Applicants: PD Dr. sc. hum. Marco Metzger, Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC, Translations-zentrum Regenerative Therapien, Würzburg
Dr. med. Frank-Mattias Schäfer, FEAPU, Abteilung für Kinderchirurgie und Kinderurologie Cnopfsche Kinderklinik, Nürnberg / Urologische und Kinderurologische Universitätsklinik des Uniklinikums Erlangen

Ass. Professor Marco Metzger of the Fraunhofer ISC,Translational Centre Regenerative Medicine Würzburg, and Dr. Frank-Mattias Schäfer of the Cnopfsche Kinderklinik Nuremberg and the Department of Urology, University Hospital Erlangen, receive 385.000 Euro within the scope of the EKFS Funding Line “Translational Research” to conduct a preclinical large animal study based on a bladder replacement strategy using a vascularized Tissue Engineering construct.
The replacement of the bladder in clinical routine in patients with congenital malformations or tumors is still one of the most demanding procedure with severe long term sequelae. With innovative tissue engineering technologies the PIs aim to develop a bladder replacement using pre-vasculariced matrix, which has been populated with autologous endothelial cells and will allow for a permanent bladder augmentation or replacement in regenerative medicine. This would constitute a major advancement in the treatment of patients with heavily diseased bladder.

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Project partner: PD. Dr. med. Florian Obermayr, Klinik für Kinderchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Marburg