An overview of the projects funded from the funding line "First and Second Applications" can be found here.
EKFS wants to use this funding programme to support young scientists in the field of medicine whose scholastic work until now gives reason to expect a successful career in science, although in terms of raising funds for their research they are still just starting out. Applications can be submitted at any time.
Supporting young applicants with a passion for research on the way to becoming scientifically independent has always been a focus of the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung. First applications can be submitted by postdoctoral physicians, as well as life scientists engaged in medical research. Application can be made for the human and material resources necessary towards implementing the project. Sums of money to fund one’s own position are ruled out.
Addressees Eligible to Apply
Applications can be made by physicians with a degree as a doctor of medicine (MD) or by life scientists with a doctorate and active in the field of medical research who are employed at a university hospital, a university or an extramural research facility or institution in Germany.
First-time original publications in a capacity as lead author are a prerequisite. As a rule, applicants have set forth their scientific and/or scholastic work after having received their doctorate within the course of a post-doctoral period or as accompaniment to their advanced medical training.
However, physicians and scientists who have already acquired more than one project grant in peer-reviewed procedures from the DFG (also as PI of a SFB sub-project or a research group sub-project), BMBF, Cancer Aid, EU, etc. are not eligible to apply in this procedure. The same applies to researchers who already have a first time grant application (Erstantrag) funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation. This restriction does not apply to Else Kröner scholarship holders and fellows of the Else Kröner Doctoral Programmes and the Else Kröner Research Schools.
The acquisition of intramural funding, smaller external project funding or personal scholarships awarded without material resources are not an obstacle to submitting an application.
Submitting the Paper of the Month:
We invite all project managers, fellowship recipients and members of graduate study programs to submit their publications that have emerged from funding as Paper of the Month. You can find more information here. You can find an overview of the Paper of the Month here.