Impressions of the award ceremony 2016
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Der Else Kröner Fresenius Award for Development Cooperation in Medicine was awarded biennially until 2014. Here you will find the awardees between the years 2010 and 2014.
Award Recipients 2014
- Prof. Dr. M. Bajbouj, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité Berlin, Trauma therapy for Syrian refugees
- Prof. Dr. D. Häussinger, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Infectiology, University of Düsseldorf, Establishment of an institute for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in the Arsi region of Ethiopia
- M. Aufmuth, Ein Dollar Brille e.V., Erlangen, OneDollarGlasses – Help for 150 million people
- Dr. A. Kiefer, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Klinikum Eichsfeld, Kleinbartloff, Establishment of a urogynaecology and gynae-oncology sub-specialisation based on the successful launch of a medical specialist training programme in peripheral Ethiopia
Award Recipients 2012
- Dr. K. von dem Busche, PONTE project – Treatment of clubfoot in Eritrea, ArcheMed – Ärzte für Kinder in Not e.V.
- B. Schweitzer, Georg Dechenreiter Wohlfahrts-Stiftung, Irene Salimi Children’s Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Haverich, Hannover Medical School, Development of the Toase Medical Centers in Toase, Ghana
- Prof. Dr. B. Sponholz, University of Würzburg, Combatting rickets and calcium deficiency in mothers and children in semi-tropical West Africa
Award Recipients 2010
- Dr. A. Schraml, Aktion Feuerkinder in Tansania, Medical care for children and young people with severe burns and deformities, training of healthcare professionals Rummelsberger Dienste für Menschen
- R. Bähr, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW), Fight Fistula, Medical care and prevention for fistula patients in Ethiopia
- M. Grosspietsch, Shanti Leprahilfe Dortmund, Training projects and medical care in a clinic for the poor, for marginalised, sick and elderly people in Nepal