Medical capacity-building is promoted at all levels of the healthcare system. That’s how the foundation wants to achieve “help for self-help”, the capacity-building that contributes towards improving the local medical situation as sustainably as possible.
Funding focuses on initial and advanced medical training – from the healthcare worker in the countryside all the way to the university-level lecturer or medical specialist at a university. In the long term the projects are supposed to be set forth by native nurses and doctors themselves. To accomplish this it is also essential to create an adequate on-site environment and incentives to prevent an exodus of qualified personnel: by improving the local medical infrastructure, by creating local networks, through cooperations with clinics, universities, business enterprises and politics. Special importance is attached to involving local partners in project planning and implementation.
The foundation’s applicants in the humanitarian sector are public service healthcare facilities such as university hospitals, hospitals and charitable organisations and associations with a medical orientation that are based in Germany or other European countries.
An application containing project components in the following areas is possible at any time:
- improving in-patient and out-patient care, for example development or funding of treatment centres, introduction of new treatment methods
- development of prevention and information programmes, for example funding of regional health counselling centres or local networks of helpers and multipliers
- direct medical training and professional advancement of skilled medical staff, for example health workers, midwives, nursing-care staff, clinical officers, medical-technical professions, students, physicians
- training of multipliers, for example by establishing teaching entities, by funding specific training programmes, or by improving instruction materials
- collection and analysis of medical data targeted exclusively towards a medical-humanitarian objective
We do not provide financial support for:
- individuals from the private sector
- individual case aid
- emergency relief measures in the event of acute catastrophes
- projects without a medical emphasis
- construction projects
- projects in Germany, the EU or other countries not deemed developing countries
- commercially aligned or non-charitable projects for profit
Application submission:
Application submission is possible at any time.
The minimum funding amount is €50,000. Terms are possible up to 36 months. In the last 5 years, the average grant amount was 110,000 €/year and the average duration was 28.5 months.
The humanitarian aspect of the project must be clearly recognisable. In justified cases, follow-up applications for the continuation of a project may be submitted. This is only possible following conclusion of the project time frame along with submission of the final report and documentation verifying the allocation of resources.
Applications shall be accepted solely via e-mail addressed to
The application must be structured in the form of three separately saved PDF files, Excel Logframe and an Excel budget
- A Project description (PDF),
- B Persons and institutions (PDF),
- C Appendices (PDF), e.g. certification attesting to non-profit character, official permits and authorizations, confirmations of cooperations, written references, declaration of consent GDPR.
- D Logframe (Excel)
- E Budget (Excel)
Please be sure to note the checklist of required appendices:
- CVs are expected for the following persons: accountable project management from the applicant entity, local project management, professionally relevant staff from the applicant entity and from partner entities
- Cooperation commitment from the implementing partner entity
- Cooperation commitment (MoU) or letter of intent from the government health authorities in the project country
- Proof of the non-profit status of the applicant entity. In the case of an applicationsubmitting institutional entity outside of Germany, notification whether this entity is subject to limited tax liability in Germany. In the event that a limited tax liability exists in Germany, documents are to be enclosed from which it emerges that the organization is a non-profit entity and recognized in Germany as tax-privileged.
- Proof or declaration that all project partners provide relief support, independent of people’s religion, color or nationality
- Declaration that a funding of the project has not been submitted to any other funding institution
- Where applicable, list of all currently ongoing funding for the project
- Where applicable, official permits and authorizations, national accreditation of educational training programs, etc.
- Where applicable, ethics committee vote
- Where applicable, price quotes tendered for equipment applied for (in the event of individual acquisition costs over EUR 10,000, explanations regarding the selection of the equipment applied for and at least two price quotes from different manufacturers)
- Confirmation that the implementing partner entity has standardized financial authorization and procurement guidelines, and that a local audit shall be conducted.
- Overview of relevant projects covering the last three years
- Overview of the institution’s revenues/expenditures for the last three years
- Declaration of consent to the storage of data in the form of a PDF file to download on our website:
In the event that this is the first time you are submitting an application for a proposal to EKFS, please additionally submit:
- Letters of reference for the application-submitting entity, e.g. from prior project partners or sources of funding (maximum of three)
Please take note of the Information for Applicants (see downloads)
It is recommended to first-time applicants that they make contact with the foundation per telephone or e-mail for advisory consultation prior to application submission.