Emergency Medicine & Anaesthesiology

Ensuring access to lifesaving health care in Eastern Ukraine

Organisation: CARE Deutschland e.V.
Partner country: Ukraine
Partner organisation in partner country: HSF (Health Solutions for Open Society Foundation)


In the areas near the front line in eastern Ukraine there is a high need for emergency medicine. Meanwhile healthcare is scarce. Many healthcare providers have left the area. Healthcare facilities are often destroyed and looted, and there is a lack of medical equipment and medicines.


Ensuring the provision of medical care and emergency medical services to conflict-affected populations near the front-line in Donetska oblast.

  1. number of patients treated and/or successfully referred to a specialized facility during the operation of the mobile medical units (MMU)
  2. number of health personnel trained to work in the MMU
  3. number of memorandums of understanding signed with existing health facilities and other organizations working in the target area


  • Identify suitable healthcare providers for the operation of the mobile medical units (MMU)
  • Trainings for selected healthcare providers to update their skills and knowledge in regard of using the medical equipment of the MMU
  • Procurement of medical equipment of the MMU and ambulance vehicles
  • Refer patients to specialized care in a timely and appropriate manner
  • Establish a dedicated working group with relevant stakeholders from the local health sector to ensure the effective deployment and operation of the MMU
  • Develop local algorithms to coordinate services and referrals at the local level
  • Review of available health infrastructure and human resources in the respective oblasts
  • Develop an appropriate legal and operational model for the further integration of the MMU into the public health system.



CARE will create synergies with other actors to avoid parallel structures and ensure a sustainable impact. The project is planned in close consultation with the local authorities in the target areas. The national implementing partner HSF has profound expertise and extensive experience in working with the Ukrainian health authorities and local healthcare providers.

Special features:

The integration of the MMU into the local healthcare system will lead to a long-term improvement of the local healthcare services.

Here you can find further information.