
EATS Indonesia

Organisation: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Partner country: Indonesia

Partner organisation in partner country:

-    Universitas Indonesia (UI) - Jakarta
-    Universitas Hasanuddin (UnHas) - Tamalanrea Makassar
-    Indonesian Society of ObsGyn (ISOG) - Jakarta
-    Indonesian Pediatric Society (IPS) - Jakarta
-    Indonesian Midwives Association (IMA) - Jakarta
-    Indonesian Ministry of Health (MoH) - Jakarta



Indonesia's population currently suffers simultaneously from malnutrition, frequent micronutrient deficiencies, childhood and adult obesity, and from an increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases. This scenario compromises the health and quality of life of people, their performance, productivity and economic development, as well as their affordability of health care. In the Indonesian young population with a high birth rate, there are special opportunities for health promotion and long-term prevention of non-communicable diseases in early life stages, before and during pregnancy, and in early childhood.



To develop and implement effective and sustainable strategies to train the Health Care Professionals in Indonesia, particularly the community healthcare workers, nurses and midwives, who deliver most of the primary healthcare in the rural communities, in order to reduce early nutrition and lifestyle-related health problems.

  • Number of registered and active users on the EATS Indonesia e-learning platform taking the training modules and successfully completing the test for Continuing Medical Education (CME) certification.
  • Number of participants for on-site training courses.
  • A survey with a statistically significant number of interviewed mothers in Indonesia to evaluate improvements in the targeted nutritional behaviours after 2.5 years of intervention.


  • The e-learning modules will be open-access and accessible through desktop, laptop and smartphones so that Health Care Professionals can easily access the learning material.
  • The modules will be translated into local Indonesian language to avoid language barriers and to reach local Health Care Professionals, especially midwives.
  • Printed material will be distributed to the participants during the training programmes in case there is limited or no internet connectivity.
  • Local CME accreditation will be sought for the e-learning modules, so that Health Care Professionals can use the e-learning modules for their CME activity.

This project will build capacity for Indonesian partners to ensure the continued maintenance of the EATS e-learning offer after the project end. Indonesian partners will be sufficiently qualified to subsequently roll-out the training programmes in other regions of Indonesia that the project did not reach, through their own institutional funds or the funds raised through sponsorship. LMU will continue to support and operate the Moodle-based EATS e-learning platform after the project lifetime in terms of content and technology.

Special features:

EATS Indonesia will provide the Indonesian Health Care Professionals condensed information on early nutrition and non-communicable disease prevention that is relevant to their practical work and based on current scientific data, tailored specifically to the Indonesian community and delivered through a modern and readily accessible system. In addition, skills for successful communication with- and counselling of target populations will be taught. Moreover, the target Health Care Professionals will be certified by leading medical professional organizations in Indonesia (IPS, ISOG and IMA) upon successful completion of the training.