Basic Health

Hosting of a mobile health camp in the mountainous region of Mugu, Western Nepal

Organisation: Back to Life e.V.
Partner country: Nepal
Partner organisation in partner country: Human Rights & Environment Development Center, Nepal


One third of the Nepalese population has no access to doctors. There is a lack of health facilities, as well as free medicines. In the rural areas of Nepal there are only poorly equipped "Health Posts", which offer neither simple medicine nor doctors. To this day, people die from easily treatable diseases or lack of knowledge on daily hygiene.



Improving health through medical care (acute treatment, including outpatient surgery for ENT disorders) and education on disease prevention (e.g., daily hygiene, nutrition, and contraception)

  1. Number of people receiving specialist treatment and/or advice.
  2. Number of people with medical emergencies identified and/or accessing immediate treatment through the MHC (e.g., outpatient ENT procedures, transfers to hospital).
  3. Number of people receiving preventive counseling and education (hygiene measures, nutrition, prevention, avoidance of diseases and their transmission).
  • Identification of suitable specialists and logistic partners.
  • Organizational preparation of the MHCs, including an outpatient surgery unit for ENT diseases (logistics, procurement of drugs/materials/medical equipment, liaison with authorities and communities)
  • Announcement of the two MHCs in Mugu district as well as neighboring districts (catchment areas)
  • Implementation of two MHCs in Mugu district, Karnali region, including outpatient ENT clinic.
  • Support of emergency patients who need follow-up examinations or further therapy
    (transport, accommodation)
  • Statistical data collection, evaluation and derivation of follow-up measures

The mobile health camps implemented by Back to Life are a bridging mechanism to ensure universal access to health services in areas of Nepal that have not yet benefited from the expansion of the public health system. They are designed as temporary measures in close coordination with local health authorities. Health checkups in the early stages of the disease help to cure them faster and save lives.
By discussing the causes of the disease and educating the patients, an awareness of hygiene, nutrition and prevention is created, which helps to prevent diseases and deficiencies in the future.

Special features:

What is special about the project is not its innovative character but its effectiveness. In our mobile health camp at four locations, we treat > 3,500 patients, educate them intensively and operate on the most common forms of ENT diseases - thus preventing people from becoming deaf and stigmatized by society. Through these coordinated measures, the health situation of families in the mountains of Mugu has already improved significantly.

Here you can find further information.