Alongside direct medical assistance for patients and measures towards improving medical infrastructures, EKFS places an emphasis on supporting programmes for the training and professional advancement of skilled personnel in the healthcare sector.

The EKFS would like to achieve three things via its active commitment: to directly help as many patients as possible on a local scale, to train as many qualified professionals as possible, and to create an environment that motivates and encourages them to stay in their country.

Presentation of the Humanitarian Funding


Calls for Proposals
You can find calls for proposals from the foundation in the humanitarian sector at Current Topics/Call for Proposals. If you would like to be regularly notified regarding deadlines and calls for proposals in the humanitarian sector, please get in touch with our persons to contact.

Dr. Jochen Bitzer
Dr. Jochen Bitzer
Medical Development Cooperation
Portrait Dr. Judith von Heusinger
Dr. Judith von Heusinger
Medical Development Cooperation (Parental leave)
Hubert Eisele
Hubert Eisele
Medical Development Cooperation