October 2023: $$ Extracorporeal Life Support in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock

Journal: The New England Journal of Medicine 2023
Author: Prof. Dr. Holger Thiele
Institution: Heart Center Leipzig at Leipzig University


Project description:

Cardiogenic shock is caused by a pump failure of the heart and in most cases caused by a heart attack. Currently, still 40-50% of these patients die. For more than ten years, cardiogenic shock has been treated with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, which is called VA-ECMO or ECLS, to support the failing heart. In the large ECLS-SHOCK trial, in which a total of 420 patients with cardiogenic shock after myocardial infarction at 44 centers in Germany and Slovenia participated, VA-ECMO therapy in the intensive care unit was compared versus no VA-ECMO in the intensive care unit. Contrary to the study hypothesis, VA-ECMO did not reduce 30-day mortality (30-day mortality 47.8% versus 49.0%). The VA-ECMO group had even more complications such as severe bleeding or leg ischemia.


Thiele H et al. N Engl J Med 2023; 389:1286-1297, Oktober 5, 2023.

Paper: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2307227


Submitting the Paper of the Month:

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung is using the series “Paper of the Month” to report in an exemplary and hot-off-the-press style on the outstanding work being done by the scientists it supports. We regularly present publications which have recently appeared in especially renowned journals, have emerged from foundation funding and been given appropriate acknowledgment. This is done in the respective categories “Original Paper” and “Review”. In the case of each of these publications, the first author and/or senior author are being funded by the foundation.

We invite all project managers, fellowship recipients and members of graduate study programs to send their work in accordance with the stated criteria as proposal for Paper of the Month to Ms. Anne Asschenfeldt (a.asschenfeldt@ekfs.de).

More Paper of the Month can be found here.

Anne Asschenfeldt
Anne Asschenfeldt
Scientific Funding: Ongoing Project Funding and Fellowships