January 2024: $$ Ex vivo drug response profiling for response and outcome prediction in hematologic malignancies: the prospective non-interventional SMARTrial

Journal: Nature Cancer 2023
Author: Prof. Dr. Sascha Dietrich
Institution: Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf

Project description:

The treatment response of patients with cancer is influenced by a variety of factors that can only be partially predicted prior to treatment.
In this research project, Prof. Dietrich and his colleagues investigated the drug response of blood cancer cells outside the body before the start of therapy and then compared it with the response to therapy in the clinic. This made it possible to predict the clinical efficacy of chemotherapy, for example in patients with acute leukemia, beyond known genetic risk factors. In most cases, this prediction can be made within three days and has already been used to individually treat and cure a patient with aggressive lymphoma who has not responded to standard therapies.


Nora Liebers, Peter-Martin Bruch, Tobias Terzer, Miguel Hernandez-Hernandez, Nagarajan Paramasivam, Donnacha Fitzgerald, Heidi Altmann, Tobias Roider, Carolin Kolb, Mareike Knoll, Angela Lenze, Uwe Platzbecker, Christoph Röllig, Claudia Baldus, Hubert Serve, Martin Bornhäuser, Daniel Hübschmann, Carsten Müller-Tidow, Friedrich Stölzel, Wolfgang Huber, Axel Benner, Thorsten Zenz, Junyan Lu & Sascha Dietrich.Ex vivo drug response profiling for response and outcome prediction in hematologic malignancies: the prospective non-interventional SMARTrial. Nat Cancer 2023. 

Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s43018-023-00645-5

Submitting the Paper of the Month:

Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung is using the series “Paper of the Month” to report in an exemplary and hot-off-the-press style on the outstanding work being done by the scientists it supports. We regularly present publications which have recently appeared in especially renowned journals, have emerged from foundation funding and been given appropriate acknowledgment. This is done in the respective categories “Original Paper” and “Review”. In the case of each of these publications, the first author and/or senior author are being funded by the foundation.

We invite all project managers, fellowship recipients and members of graduate study programs to send their work in accordance with the stated criteria as proposal for Paper of the Month to Ms. Anne Asschenfeldt (a.asschenfeldt@ekfs.de).

More Paper of the Month can be found here.

Anne Asschenfeldt
Anne Asschenfeldt
Scientific Funding: Ongoing Project Funding and Fellowships