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Open House Day: “Haus im Wald” from Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung
Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS) celebrated the inauguration of the new work and seminar building in Schmitten on May 15, 2024 together with the residents of Schmitten and all others with an interest in the site.

Else Kröner Graduate Schools for Medical Students 2023
Graduate Schools in Jena, Mainz and Regensburg receive € 900,000 per program in funding

Else Kröner Excellence Fellowships 2023 awarded to outstanding physicians
Else Kröner Excellence Fellowships make it possible for medical doctors to advance a particularly promising medical research project through a two-year leave of absence from clinical duties. Intended thereby is to enable above all senior physicians to attain the qualifications for appointment to a professorship within the scope of a Clinician Scientist.